The Second Life - comments and confessions about theatre

George Banu – Mircea Morariu
November 28 14:00 - TIFF House
The publication of the book George Banu – ipostaze esențiale (George Banu – essential aspects, provisional title), in the series Gallery of the Romanian Theatre, is a premier for the Camil Petrescu Cultural Foundation. Simply, because it is the first volume dedicated to a theatre critic. And a fairly known critic, at that. He is a veritable and uncontestable leader of a school, a model-critic, a thoughtful human being, not only in Romania, but also in the contemporary world theatre scene, being also one of the most competent commentators of it.
The book has several sequences.
It opens with a large part of discussions/interviews (of approximately 100 pages) with its protagonist, trying to capture his stages of development, taking into consideration theoretical and ideological perspectives. Then follows an essay of the author about the critical creation of Mr. George Banu, as a whole. The role of the essay is to seize the essence, the dominant methods of his critic, the quantity of originality he has brought to the axiological evaluation of the theatrical phenomena, seen from a complex perspective in which synchronicity accompanies diachronicity, culture accompanies civilization and innovation the complementarities of anthropological vision.
A third sequence presents detailed comments of all the books published since 1990, at different Romanian publishers, written by the illustrious critic. It also contains comments about two recent books, published in France, considered by George Banu as having a testamentary value.
The fourth sequence of the volume is an ample bio-bibliographical file, accompanied by comments.
Finally, a huge annex, entitled File dintr-o memorie salvată (File from a recovered memory), will reunite a selection of 20 texts published by George Banu in the Romanian press before he moved to France.

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