Mirage and Damnation - Exhibition of Botond Részegh

exhibition opening
November 27 15:30 - Studio
As a scientist, I have learned to measure most things. To put numbers on everything. However, COFFEE DRAWINGS are not defined by their caffeine content, LOSS OF SOUL defies rational numbers, NIGHTFALL has little to do with wavelengths, and PLAY WITH THE SINS OF THE UNPUNISHABLE FANTASY is neither about law, nor about punishment or morality. I can’t pin them down. They do not fit in the Cartesian, finite dimensional, quantifiable, predictable universe of which I have been part much of my life. The tiny spot of the Universe where I have usually felt the most comfortable.

Botond Részegh’s paintings crack open subtle dimensions. Ones that you either notice immediately, or you walk by undisturbed. They help us curl up and admire the world inside out. They are impossible to pin down, too mystifying to quantify, even harder to monetize.

That’s why we need them.
László Barabási-Albert 

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