MEDEA on media

Theatre Group Seongbukdong Beedoolkee, South Koreea
November 27 16:00 - Studio - Tickets
November 27 22:00 - Studio - Tickets
1h 10’ without intermission

Medea: Kim Mi Ok 
Jason: Kim Myong Sub
Creon: Lee Jin Sung
Nurse: Heo Sol
Chorus 1: Kim Min Sung
Chorus 2 & Aegeus: Anupam Tripathi
Chorus 3 & Glauce: Kim Jin-a 
Chorus 4: Lee Song Hee

Directed by KIM HYUNTAK
Technical director: Suh Jiwon
Stage manager: Ji Deahyeon
Translator: Hwang Dongwoo
Director’s assistant: Cho Seo Hee

As in the original play, Medea betrays her family to follow her husband Jason. But when he abandons her for Creusa, the daughter of Creon, Medea decides to take revenge. MEDEA on media brings scenes from the original play into television, one of the most common media of our time.

The tragedy of Medea is caused by the monster that is the media, which we summon and relish daily. Here, this media refers to every means of satisfying desires that feed on violence and obscenity, while concealing and ridiculing the truth and the good and forcing certain ideologies. It breaks down the wall between reality and fiction through recurrent images and sound, thereby providing a pretext for distorted judgment and choices. The performance follows Medea as she draws near to the murder and focuses on the roles that today’s media could have played. The piece then configures them into different channels and presents them to the audience like a studio version of a TV program. It asserts that not only the media, but we bystanders as well are involved in Medea’s crime, before proceeding to encourage a harmonious coexistence of media and today’s society, which cannot be separated from media.

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