Duration: 2h 8'
Multilingual performance with no subtitles.
Available: 24 hours
Age recommendation: 12+
Produced by the UTE, Bühnen der Stadt Köln, Stiftung Kunst und Kultur des Landes, WDR Television and Theaterformen ‘98 Festival, filmed for television by WDR.
Prospero: Dan Marius Astileanu
Miranda: Anca Sigartu
Ariel: Karin Plammater
Caliban: Wolfgang Maria Bauer
Ferdinand: Jacek Poniedzialek
Gonzalo: Claire Aveline
Stephano: Faith Tingle
Antonio: Liz Kettle
Francisco: Margherita di Rauso
Sebastian: Massimiliano Sbarsi
Alonso: Timo Torrika
Directed by KARIN BEIER
Music: Achim Krämer; Frank Köllges; Jörg Ritzenburg
Production Design: Florian Etti
Costume: Maria Roers
Karin Beier's 1997 production of The Tempest is a modern-dress production which employed 12 actors from nine countries. The multi-language production is known for its gender-blind casting and for presenting Beier's concept of the new Europe - a vision that dominates the production.